Termo shrink meat and cheese bags



Characteristics / advantages

Important values



Used for fresh meat, meat products, poulrty and cheese (without gas formation) storaging in cool conditions. Widely used vacuum package. Great transparency, very good termo shrinkable and optimal mechanical resistance. Enables extend products shelf life. An ideal retail package.

Web thickness 50 mm TERMO SHRINKABILITY(90 0C/3 s): Vertically 48% Horizontally 51% Material consists of PVDC´d.




Used for fresh meat, meat products, poulrty and cheese (without gas formation) storaging in cool conditions. Widely used, Cl free vacuum package. Great transparency, very good termo shrinkable and optimal mechanical resistance. Enables to extend product's shelf life. An ideal retail package.

Web thickness  50 mm TERMO SHRINKABILITY(90 0C/3 s): Vertically 29% Horizontally 40%

Material does not consist of PVDC. (environmental friendly)


51/52 HD

Used for fresh meat, meat products, poulrty and cheese (without gas formation) storaging in cool conditions. Extra thickness to respond to requiered application. Very good mechanical resistance.

Web thickness 67 mm TERMO SHRINKABILITY(90 0C/3 s): Vertically 45% Horizontally 49% Material contains PVDC.



Used for products like meat with bones, hams, hard cheese- to storage in cool conditions. Specific sticking and rubbing resistance thanks to thickness coefficient.

Web thickness 83 mm TERMO SHRINKABILITY(90 0C/3 s): Vertically 25% Horizontally 35% Material contains PVDC.


74 ja 82

Specific web for meat products pasteurisation and storaging. Resistant to high temperature and pasteurisation. 850C up to 4 h 950C up to 15 min

Web thickness 56 mm TERMO SHRINKABILITY(90 0C/3 s): Vertically 20% Horizontally 33%


74c ja 82c

Specific web for meat products pasteurisation and storaging. Resistant to high temperature and pasteurisation. 850C up to 4 h 950C up to 15 min

Web thickness 56 mm TERMO SHRINKABILITY (90 0C/3 s): Vertically 20% Horizontally 33%

CB 21/22 For producing or packaging low gas formation or prefermented cheese. Holds back oxigen and moisture volatilization, but enables carbon dioxide separation from cheese. Web thickness 53 mm TERMO SHRINKABILITY(90 0C/3 s): Vertically 37% Horizontally 45%
CB 51/52 For producing or packaging high gas formation or prefermented cheese. Holds back oxigen and moisture volatility, but enables carbon dioxide separation from cheese.  Web thickness 53 mm TERMO SHRINKABILITY(90 0C/3 s): Vertically 37% Horizontally 45%